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Fire Safety Jokes

Posted on March 4 2013 by Emergency Kits

Fire Safety Jokes

There are thousands of fires every year in businesses all over the country. Most of these fires could have been prevented if precautions had been taking to

make the workplace fire safe. Using fire safety jokes are a great way to help people think about fire safety all the time. Jokes are a fun and easy way to start

a conversion about almost any topic. At you next safety meeting use a fire safety joke as a beginner to fire safety in the office.
Best Fire Safety Jokes For The Office

These are the best fire safety jokes you will ever find. Employees are more likely to remember a funny joke about safety rather than a long and sometimes

boring lecture.

  • Fire Drill Joke

A voice on the office loudspeaker announced:
“We will be testing the speaker system to make sure it will work properly in case of emergency.”
My confidence in this safety precaution faded when the voice added:
“If you are unable to hear this announcement, please contact us.

  • Fire Hydrant Factory

A man who worked at a fire hydrant factory was always late for work. When confronted by his boss the man explained with a straight face: “You can’t

find a spot to park anywhere near this goofy place!”

  • Safety Seminar

When the employees of a restaurant attended a fire safety seminar, they watched a fire official demonstrate the proper way to operate an extinguisher.
‘Pull the pin like a hand grenade,’ he explained, ‘then depress the trigger to release the foam.’
Later an employee was selected to extinguish a controlled fire in the parking lot. In her nervousness, she forgot to pull the pin. The instructor hinted, ‘Like

a hand grenade, remember?’
In a burst of confidence she pulled the pin, and hurled the extinguisher at the blaze.

  • Fire Safety Announcement

A voice on the office loudspeaker announced:
“We will be testing the speaker system to make sure it will work properly in case of emergency.”
My confidence in this safety precaution faded when the voice added:
“If you are unable to hear this announcement, please contact us.”

  • Fire Safety Tips

On An Office Safety Board: In case of a fire don’t panic. Simply flee the building with the same reckless abandon that occurs at the end of each work day.

Fire safety jokes will help promote safety in the workplace. Do you have a favorite fire safety joke? Please feel free to share them with us.

By: workplacesafetyexperts

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